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Market Validation for New & Existing Businesses


Pilot Sites

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Market Penetration & Business Development


Investment Assessment



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NakiTech strength lies in working with a wide range of companies within the energy sector, each with their own unique challenges and needs.


We do not define our client’s issues to fit our capabilities. Instead, we listen to client needs, help form hypotheses and shape lines of inquiry, and tailor our comprehensive set of tools, techniques and expertise to appropriately assemble data, analyze and interpret findings to form the basis of our recommendations.

To help our clients successfully achieve their goals and expand their businesses, here’s a sample of the services we provide:

Market Validation

Market Validation for New & Existing Businesses

Whether our client is planning to launch a new product or expand to new geographies, NakiTech will:


  • Help the solution vendor validate the relevance of their solution to the addressed market   

  • Engage with relevant stakeholders to provide practical feedback and assess local needs and requirements

"NakiTech familiarity with the relevant market players proved crucial to our evaluation process of new verticals and initiated immediate sales and partnerships opportunities."


Pilot Sites

Pilot Sites

When entering new geographies, a local pilot is often an important first step for commercial sales. NakiTech will:


  • Leverage our local market familiarity and contacts in different segments and geographiesL

  • Locate a commercial pilot, eliminating the need for a lengthy and difficult process

"NakiTech carefully analyzed our offering and needs, and within three months we had pilot agreements signed with two different customers who perfectly met our needs, a process that typically takes years. "


Market Penetration

Market Penetration & Business Development

For clients who wish to expand globally or to additional segments, NakiTech will:


  • Leverage our global network of contacts to accelerate the expansion and/or penetration to new markets and reach new customers

  • Incorporate engagement tools and techniques to save time and money while penetrating new markets 

"NakiTech professional and expertise guidance proved invaluable to our efforts to expand operations in new geographical regions."

Tiger Communications



Partnerships and ecosystems have created a paradigm that is promising, yet completely new in our industry. NakiTech will:


  • Provide guidance and hands-on support for companies to develop the appropriate partnership framework that supports sales growth

  • Ensure clients benefit from our global expertise on partnerships and ecosystems based on many successful projects around the world

"Working with NakiTech,  their knowledge and understanding  provided  us with a unique perspective on how to make our plan most relevant to Cisco  field"


Investment Assessment

Whether it’s a possible strategic corporate merger, acquisition or a financial investment by VC/PE, NakiTech will: 


  • Provide real market feedback from our network of contacts to assess the investment 

  • Provide business and technical evaluations of potential investments to reduce any associated risks

"NakiTech became an integral part of our core team and was fundamental for our assessments of potential strategic investment and growth opportunities."


Investmet Assesment


Recent changes in the energy market have created vast opportunities for companies of all sizes. Yet, sometimes, these changes call for a complete turnaround of legacy solution providers. NakiTech will:


  • Support the leadership team in assessing new opportunities

  • Provide strong interim business leadership through the successful turnaround of a distressed business

"NakiTech guidance and mentorship to our leadership team was invaluable in crafting a successful spin-off.  "

​Hygen Group/ GasLinerHygen


© 2020 Nakitech. All rights reserved

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